Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
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ICT Utilization in Teacher\'s Training Institutions:Comparison of Two Cases in Indonesia

  29 Apr 2019 - 06:15 pm (6 year ago)
  Content Language : English
Category  : Journal

Vol 2 No 1 (2008) Research Development In Open and Distance learning

Dina Mustafa

Herman Herman


Indonesia has just launched a program called Hybrid Learning for Indonesia Teachers or HYLITE program. HYLITE is an in-service teachers training program, especially for elementary school teachers in Indonesia, designed to improve teacher's qualification from Diploma II to Strata I (SI  - is equivalent to a bachelor degree). The program is conducted via open and distance learning mode and employing hybrid learning approach, i.e.: the combination of face-to-face residential meeting, online learning and independent learning utilizing print and other media. The program is offered by a consortium of 23 universities. Beside the HYLITE program, there are other programs for the improvement of elementary teacher qualification.

This paper will describe the comparison of two institutions in terms of information and communication technologies ( ICT) utllization by faculty in the elementary teacher education program offered through HYLITE system and face-to-face system. The purpose of the study is to identify factors, which can facilitate teachers' use of ICT. Those factors can be utilized to develop programs to enable the students and faculty to use ICT appropriately in the teaching and learning activities.


ICT Utilization in Teacher\'s Training Institutions:Comparison of Two Cases in Indonesia.pdf

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