Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
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Open and Distance learning Policy

  29 Apr 2019 - 05:51 pm (6 year ago)
  Content Language : English
Category  : Journal

Vol 1 No 1 (2007) : Policies and Technologies in ODL: Issues and lmplementation

Srisakdi Charmonman : University of Thailand


There are many indictors showing that the popularity of e- Learning is increasing. At the K1Z level, the State of Michigan in the US passeda law effective  in April 2006 requiring that all high school students must take at least one coursein the eLearning mode to prepare themselves for lifelong learning thru the Internet.  At the university  level, more and more universities all over the world have established or are establishing eLearning degree programs. At the short courses and training level, educational institutions  and learned societies are promoting eLearning. To implement eLearning programs, related policies should be established. Thispaper presents five generations of distance education, definitions of eLearning, US universities with eLearining degrees,policy on curricula, human resource policy, physical facilities policy, network policy, hardware policy, software policy, financial policy,  and other policies.


Open and Distance learning Policy.pdf

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